To do a proper hanging scaffolding assembly, according to the regulations on occupational safety in most countries,
work equipement intended for lifting people requires an assembly plan supervised by a competent technician with university trainig.
In case of certified equipment and assembled under the established conditions, by the manufacturer,
require an assembly supervised by a technician with a minimum professional experience of two years.
For all cases, Accesus has a hanging scaffolding and suspended platforms assembly service with qualified personnel, technicians, engineers and experienced assemblers.
We solve all kind of needs related to the assembly of hanging scaffolding;
assembly plan, certifications, commissioning, review and certification of assemblies, calculation notes, load test, etc.
As the wise playwright William Shakespeare said, “improvisations are better when they are prepared”.
And this is how we like to work at Accesus.
If you want to see some examples of hanging scaffolding set up, you can take a look at the Accesus Projects page,
in which we have National and Internacional presence.