BASIC manual bosun chair

BASIC manual bosun chair

The Accesus BASIC manual Bosun Chair is designed to lift people and loads. The main features are that it is made of very lightweight material and the overall dimensions have been reduced which allows it to work vertically in confined spaces such as facades, drains, patios, deposits, silos, chimneys, etc. 

This Basic manual Bosun Chair made of aluminium is equiped with an m.lif 400 manual crank lift, an integrated fall safety device and a double cable system. Moreover, is also fitted with accessories to facilitate its manoevuvrability such as wall support wheels, seat belt or carrying handle. 


The installation of the chair only requires the placement of the cables on the lifting device. The working height is unlimited, since it depends on the lenght of the cable that id placed for each job.

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The Basic Bosun Chair is an ergonomic simple and safe chair, which is very easy to use, as it does not require special training to be used. It is delivered with its  corresponding Declaration of Comformity CE for the elevation of people and its use and manual installation, as required by European Directive 2006/42 and EN 1808.

Summary table of basic features of the BASIC Accesus manual hanging chair:

Max. load capacity  120 Kg/m for 1 people and/or loads
Chair weight without lift 10 Kg
Weight of chair with lift 21,2 Kg
Maximum work weight Unlimited
Minimum space required Manhole 500x390 mm
 Number of people 3.8 m/min at 50 cycles/min
Lifting speed 3.8 m/min at 50 cycles/min
Material Aluminum and steel